Skin Cleaning

I have a tendency to collect little samples of just about everything! Anything free, and I am on it! It's not just the fact they're free, I like to test and try new things. Find my holy grail beauty items. So the three I have decided to show today are the Alpha-H Micro CleanseGinvera Green Tea Marvel Gel, and the Eve Lom Morning Time Cleanser.
The Micro Cleanse is meant to give your skin an instantly smoother and brighter look, and intended to abolish nasty blackheads to keep your pores spotless. Apparently, it works as a 3-in-1 mask, cleanser and polish, so is evidently an all-around product.
The Green Tea Gel specifically targets your tough dead skin cells; to dissolve and remove. It claims to be a gentle exfoliator to reveal your new skin to give a radiant glow. It also states that it prevents spots and controls oil to help you stay shine-free all day. You are meant to rub this onto your skin when dry and then rinse it off, which is a method I have never had in a skincare product! We'll have to see if it's for me.
I don't currently own a specific 'morning time' cleanser, so am quite pleased to be able to try this one as it is from quite a luxurious brand! The balm is full of essential oils to revive and decongest the skin and give a refined radiance to the skin. I can not wait to try out all of these products, and see whether I give in to their full sizes!


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