Social Media
I have the obvious ones such as Facebook (and Messenger), Youtube, Twitter and Tumblr. Do you count Snapchat as social media? Well I have it! I also have Timehop which is an app that shows you what you were doing on social media from x years ago! It's actually very interesting.
Photography & Editing
As an Instagram addict, I obviously have the app. I also have a few photograph editing apps too. Afterlight is one of my favourites. I use it to adjust brightness and contrast, add filters, light leaks and sometimes add a frame, but I also sometimes use VSCOcam to do the same. I use Whitagram when I want to steal photos for my blog, but don't want to cut the picture into a square! And last, but not least Pic Collage for the obvious - collaging pictures!
I keep a lot of little apps that aren't regularly used, but I need them from time to time in a folder. In here I keep Shazam for those times I find a song, but have no idea what it's called, or the artist. National Rail is another here for when I travel (I get very panicky when on trains, and like to know each platform I need to be on and at what time!) Amber Cars is another I have for when I need to book a taxi for a night out. A couple of banking apps to control my finances, and some Uni related apps so I can keep an eye on my timetable and grades, and thats it for this folder.
I don't tend to actually keep games on my phone for very long because I get really bored really easily of them, so they get deleted once they've passed their sell by date! I currently have the Family Guy game (which is pretty similar to the Simpsons one I had a while back) but it will most probably get deleted within the next few days..!
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